Keywords: envy, jealousy, feeling of envy, conscience, tender conscience, destructiveness, constructiveness and ambivalence/ambiguity of envy, adolescence, constructs of tender conscience, moral self-awareness, self-realization, attitude to success in life, frustration of needs.


The psychological essence, mechanisms, functions, typology and factors of envy and conscience as personal patterns are presented in the article. The psychological peculiarities of manifestation and interrelation of envy and conscience in the adolescence of as sensitive to the development of the moral and spiritual sphere of personality are presented as the result of the study. The essence and constructs of these personality patterns in adolescence were determined and their manifestation was diagnosed among 17-19-year-old students. Particular attention is paid to the envy factors and mechanisms and the conscience of boys and girls. The manifestation of envy-hostility and envy-despair on the gender-specificity basis is described. Level dynamics of manifestation of envy and conscience of young men are described, the ambiguity of their relationship is shown. It has been shown that envy and conscientiousness are not mutually exclusive, albeit interrelated personal patterns. Extrapolation of the obtained data will help to develop the correction program of destructive psychological envy-signs at the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels.


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How to Cite
BUTUZOVAL., & DMITRIEVАS. (2019). PERSONAL PATIENTS OF DISABILITY AND CONSISTENCY IN YOUTH AGE. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 42(3), 11-18.