Keywords: creativity, creative economy, creative marketing, creative tools, types of creativity.


  The article examines the role of creative marketing in a market economy. The essence and content of the concepts of creativity, creative marketing are considered, the conditions of its introduction, the types of marketing creativity are proposed.

Creativity, innovation in socio-economic processes are the basis of high competitiveness in various activities is proved. In traditional goods and services, an increasing percentage of value added is original innovation.

Creative marketing acts as a result of the creative thinking of a marketing professional. In general, it is the freedom to make a marketing decision based on the current environment, experience, knowledge, consumer behavior in each of the market segments are determined.

Creative marketing as a marketing activity, which is based on innovative, non-standard solutions that allow to achieve significant results without dramatic changes in the available opportunities are characterized.

The creative approach to marketing instruments is described as a reaction to the harsh unusual conditions of the foreign market and the practical lack of resources for development.

Low effectiveness of traditional marketing tools creates the preconditions for the formation of new marketing tools and tools, develops new technologies for their implementation in practice, methods, techniques, and the institutional basis of new types of marketing are proved.

Particular attention is paid to the practical component of creative marketing, which should prevail over the creative component of a process or result, since the evaluation of the effectiveness of a marketing idea will be carried out not by the degree of its originality, but by the degree of innovation, that is economic efficiency. While any results of creative marketing are affected by the perception of the brand of the company and the product itself, its ability to turn into an economic result creates the preconditions for the successful promotion of the product in the market.

The groups of marketing creativity that provide stable high economic result: organizational marketing creativity and applied marketing creativity are covered.


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How to Cite
SKIBAT. V. (2019). FEATURES OF CREATIVE MARKETING DEVELOPMENT IN CURRENT CONDITIONS. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 42(3), 76-80. https://doi.org/10.37203/kibit.2019.42.12