Keywords: dual form of education, vocational education, principles of the dual form of education.


The article explores the problems associated with the development of dual education. The urgency of introducing the concept of dual education in Ukraine is emphasized. The provisions of the main normative legal acts regulating the use of the dual form of education are analyzed. It is noted that the dual form of education is a way of obtaining an education, which involves combining education in educational institutions with on-the-job training at enterprises and institutions to acquire certain qualifications. The basic principles on which the effectiveness of the dual form of education is based are determined: the achievement of economic, social and individual goals; purposefulness of the educational process; learning variability; integration of dual education and economy; joint financing of dual education by the state and business; codification of education quality standards; systematic professional development of personnel; organizing and conducting discussions of dual education issues; reliance on ancient cultural and historical traditions; adoption of dual education by the public.The German experience of dual education is considered and analyzed. After all, in Germany, the principles of dual education were first applied. Its main feature is that most of the study time is spent on practical training in production three to four days a week. The theoretical learning unit is taught at the educational institution and is, respectively, one or two days a week. The stages of development of the dual system in Ukraine, in particular, the results of a pilot experiment on the introduction of elements of dual education in vocational education institutions in three Ukrainian cities are considered. The peculiarities of dual system implementation in domestic higher education institutions are highlighted. Based on the analysis, the author concluded that the dual system is effective and promising and that it needs to be further introduced into pedagogical practice.


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How to Cite
MitsenkoD., & StavytskyiO. (2020). DUAL SYSTEM AS A PROSPECTIVE MEANING OF EDUCATION MODERNIZATION. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 43(1), 51-57. https://doi.org/10.37203/kibit.2020.43.07