The Crisis Factor in Religious Development

Keywords: psychological well-being, religious development, stages of development, factors, crisis indicators.


The article presents the stages of the religious development of personality. There is represented by periods: prenatal (the main phase of favorability, phase of an ancient faith, phase of quasi-religious behaviour), early childhood (phase of maternal religiosity, phase of development of prerequisites for individual religiosity), the preschool period (phase of encouraging religiosity, phase of individual religious interest), younger school age (phase of transition from external to internal, identification phase), an early teenager (phase of religious criticality, phase of relay autonomy), a late teenager (phase of religious romanticization, phase of religious integration), youth (phase of religious re-thinking, phase of spiritual accumulation), early maturity (phase of religious stability), middle-age (phase of religious ascent), late maturity (wisdom phase). There are results of a pilot study on the specific behaviour of infants from religious backgrounds in temples of different religious communities (parish temple, a temple of another denomination, another temple of denomination of parents). The results of local empirical studies on the influence of the form and type of religiosity on the level of individual indicators of psychological well-being of a person are presented (attitude to self, attitude to people, attitude to life, attitude to God). The analysis of the crisis potential of the stages of religious development for the social, psychological and spiritual development of personality is carried out. The categorical definitions of the constituents of constructive/destructive passage of crisis stages of religious development by the singularity are presented.



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How to Cite
HrydkovetsL. (2019). The Crisis Factor in Religious Development. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 39(1), 49-56.