Keywords: premarital period; motives for marriage; interpersonal communication in the family; family spheres.


The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of manifestation of adolescent girls’ psychological readiness for marital relationships. The problem of psychological readiness for marital relations continues to be quite acute nowadays. As current experience confirms, the institution of the family has lost its importance, in particular, family and cultural values have been depreciated, family functions and role behaviour of spouses have been changed, which negatively affects the life of the family. The alternative forms of marriage have emerged, which cannot be a solid support for a strong and happy family. With due regard for the urgency of the problem, we set ourselves the goal of studying the level of psychological readiness of adolescent girls for marital relationships. The purpose of the study is to analyze the essence of psychological readiness for marital relations, to systemize its main types and factors, as well as to investigate the features of its manifestation among adolescent girls. According to scientific literature, the study of psychological readiness for marital relations is carried out mainly fragmentarily. Under this concept, we mean a relatively steady state of personality, which characterizes a certain system of social attitudes, family values, oriented towards a positive interaction between spouses. Its leading types include communicative, emotional-intimate, moral-ethical and other types of readiness. The basic factors that determine the psychological readiness for marital relationships are being described: motives for marriage, love, family values, interaction, adaptive capability, emotional maturity, psychological compatibility, age of marriage, etc. The study found that most girls had a low level of psychological readiness for marital relationships, especially at the age of 20. Indicators that affect its non-formation are revealed, specifically, negative attitudes to marriage, family stereotypes, authoritarianism, sexual love, lack of mutual understanding and trust. The performed research allowed us to present urgent questions for further study of the problem, for example, to study the significant influence of ethnic traditions on psychological readiness for marital relationships; to develop a comprehensive social-psychological program focused on the systematic formation of psychological readiness for marital relationships at all ages.


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How to Cite
DenysenkoA. (2020). PECULIARITIES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS OF ADOLESCENT GIRLS FOR MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 43(1), 75-81.