The efficiency of balancing the centrifugal juicer with a ball autobalancer in the implementation of the technological process

Keywords: auto-balancing; full-scale experiment; variable imbalance; transitory process; rotor.


It is shown that the use of an autobalancer is effective in balancing the centrifugal juicer during the technological process. It improves the vibration characteristics of the centrifugal juicer for bullets of any size. It is shown that the increase in the number of balls leads to the vibration improvement of the state of the centrifugal juicer during the technological process. In the case of small balls and when the treadmill is half full, the vibration (standard deviation of the vibration acceleration) of the centrifugal juicer is reduced by almost 53%. This is explained as follows. In the process of operation of the centrifugal juicer, the imbalance of the sieve and bullets in the autobalancer changes almost continuously. Accordingly, it would help if you changed your autobalancing positions often (many successive transients are carried out). The process of balancing the centrifugal juicer, in general, will be the more efficient, the shorter the duration of each transition process relative to the time interval between changes in imbalance. The transients' duration depends mainly on the distance between the adjacent self-balancing positions of the balls and the forces of viscous resistance to the relative motion of the balls. As the diameter of the balls increases, the fullness of the treadmill decreases. Hence, an increase in the size of the balls leads to an increase in the distance between adjacent self-balancing positions of the balls and to an increase in the duration of transients. With the same amount of oil in the autobalancer, larger diameter balls are more inert and, accordingly, they oscillate longer around their autobalance positions. Sometimes they do not have time to take their self-balancing positions before the next change of imbalance. The obtained results can be used in AB's design for balancing on the go machines with high-speed rotors, in which the imbalance changes pulse and often; to increase the efficiency of IRR self-balancing during operation.


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How to Cite
GoncharovV. (2020). The efficiency of balancing the centrifugal juicer with a ball autobalancer in the implementation of the technological process. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 44(2), 31-37.