The relation between STEM education and business schools in the United States as a prospective way of educational modernization

Keywords: innovations; business structures; competence; business education; popularization of education; critical thinking.


The article substantiates the idea that every year more and more STEM education is popularized by the government through the adoption of certain concepts or strategic plans for the future both in Ukraine and abroad. However, STEM, as a type of integrated training program in the United States, was initiated and actively supported not only by the government but also by business structures for the development of the country and entrepreneurship. The experience of interaction between business structures and educational institutions of the USA through involvement and promotion of STEM education programs is analyzed and determined. It is highlighted that this applies not only to IT professionals in high-tech industries, but also to the economically active population in general, because innovative technologies stimulate the development of the information society. The features of integrated learning, in which American scientists perceive the future of education and innovative business in general, are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the integration of business schools and students of STEM specialties as a promising means of modernizing education in Ukraine. The programs that support and encourage active youth to obtain innovative education, including in the business structures, are identified and described. It is observed that one of the most important aspects of STEM-training is the formation of a competitive specialist in any field, able to think critically, abstractly, and algorithmically. It is determined that the updated STEM-programs are aimed at the formation of competencies that are most relevant in the labor market. The urgency of the integrated education issue is emphasized, which still remains insufficiently studied in our country, so Ukrainian scientists are trying to adopt the American experience of introducing innovations in education. It is noted that the foreign experience of STEM promotion can be the basis for designing programs for the introduction of innovative learning technologies in Ukraine, as it is well known that the issues of STEM-learning remain insufficiently studied in our country.



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How to Cite
PrymakO. (2020). The relation between STEM education and business schools in the United States as a prospective way of educational modernization. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 45(3), 11-17.