The metaphysics of the soul: material and psychic

Keywords: psychophysical parallelism, planetary evolution, information-energy basis of elementary particles.


The starting modern definition of the concept of "psyche" is the opposition of its material world. However, the evolution of psychological knowledge shows that such an attitude to the psyche, or - the soul, was not always: there is a long way from ancient animistic views, through psychophysical unity and psychophysical antagonism, to psychophysical parallelism which psychology has done interpreting the nature of the mental. As a result, the "soul" became a "psyche", and this transformation lost the sacred meaning of the phenomenon of "spirituality". The dialectical approach enshrined the psyche in the status of something opposite to matter, which separated the science of psychology from other sciences (except physiology), denying the use of knowledge from other fields of scientific knowledge, physics in particular. However, it is in this area that modern psychology has received such facts that have allowed us to put the psyche on a par with other physical phenomena. Namely: the achievements of quantum physics prove the existence in each material particle, from which consists of all existing matter, an additional component that is responsible for the creation of each new element of the universe. And it is this component that is not only the basis of evolution on a planetary scale, as predicted by the French evolutionist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, but exactly it (the component) that defines the boundary between living and inanimate matter, between man and animal. Proof of the existence of the information-energy basis in elementary particles, carried out by Victor Plykin, allows us to recognize the presence of an intangible component in the material matter, that is, to assume the presence of the soul in every body. As a result, the denial of materialist science about the existence of idealistic indivisible substances with self-consciousness fails. This means that in the study of the human psyche we must abandon the outdated physiological interpretations of the mental and expand our understanding of the "mental" to the limits of the universality of the soul.



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How to Cite
LanovenkoY. (2020). The metaphysics of the soul: material and psychic. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 45(3), 18-26.