Exploratory research of peculiarities of constructing the future by the internally displaced persons

Keywords: : psychological time, personal future, forced relocation, forced internal migration, balance of time perspectives, beliefs about the controllability of the world.


The psychological trauma of internally displaced persons caused by forced relocation is complex, complicates the process of adaptation to life in a new place, and leaves an imprint on the perception of periods of the past, present, and future. We will consider the perception of time by internally displaced persons, the balance of periods of past, present, and future, and the importance of constructing a personal future in the adaptation process. Of particular importance is the dual nature of resettlement, which, on the one hand, is forced due to external negative circumstances and, on the other hand, is the result of choice made by the individual in response to these circumstances. A conscious choice in favor of living in more optimal conditions makes it possible to consider resettlement from the occupied territories to construct the future. The construction of the future by internally displaced persons is influenced by a traumatic experience, the peculiarity of which is that it is not localized only in the past but covers three time periods. It combines pre-relocation events associated with being in a war zone, difficulties in the present due to adapting to life in a new place, and a traumatic experience of constructing a future that has remained impossible due to sudden and unexpected changes in life. Therefore, the impact of the traumatic experience of internally displaced persons on the construction of their future is considered taking into account this feature. The suddenness and unpredictability of changes in the lives of internally displaced persons draws attention to the issue of controllability of the events of their own lives. The article presents the results of a preliminary study of the basic beliefs of internally displaced persons using the method of the Rona Yanov-Bulman Basic Beliefs Scale, which indicates a significant number of negative thoughts about world control. The theoretical model presents beliefs about the world's controllability and such features of constructing a personal future by internally displaced persons as a traumatic experience, the overall balance of periods, and the emotional color of the attitude towards them.


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How to Cite
DibrovaV. (2020). Exploratory research of peculiarities of constructing the future by the internally displaced persons. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 45(3), 27-35. https://doi.org/10.37203/10.37203/kibit.2020.45.04