Mental satiation as a phenomenon and as a scientific category in the current psychological research

Keywords: over-satisfaction of need, uncertainty, destruction of activity, disgust, lack of meaning, motivational-semantic regulation.


The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the problem and essence of the phenomenon of mental satiety, its manifestations and mechanisms and role in the life of man and society. The level of development and the range of application of the relevant category in psychological research from the moment of its entry into scientific circulation (starting from the works of K. Levin's student A. Carsten) to the present time are analyzed. The concept of "deficit of meaning" ("meaninglessness") is introduced, its role in the emergence (origin) and development of a state of mental satiety is substantiated and its manifestation in the destruction of activity is investigated. These manifestations in different types of activity are considered, the character of interaction of affective, cognitive and conative processes in development of a state of mental satiation is analyzed. It is shown that, according to new data, mental satiation processes has a significant impact not only on activity, but also on human relations, other social processes and phenomena, as well as on microprocesses of the cognitive sphere - which opens new horizons in understanding the laws of the human psyche and solving a wider range of problematic issues of human life. It is established that this influence has ambiguous semantic character (both unfavorable and harmful, and, under certain conditions, useful, constructive), which allous us to make an attempt to interpret the function of mental satiation in human life and society. In particular, the assumption is made about the possibility of mental oversaturation as a protective mechanism of the psyche with the function of destroying unreasonable - meaningless or irrelevant processes, actions, relationships, and destructive tendency to destroy important components of human functioning due to their lack of understanding - due to lack of awareness their real complexity or due to insufficient level of development of self-regulation.


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How to Cite
NaumchikN. (2020). Mental satiation as a phenomenon and as a scientific category in the current psychological research. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 45(3), 55-64.