The research results of the competitive capacity of enterprises’ formation through marketing strategies

Keywords: marketing; strategy; marketing activities; marketing strategy.


The article points out that without a developed and functioning marketing strategy, an enterprise engaged in the production of any goods or services will not be able to withstand competition, to act effectively in accordance with market requirements. Creating a new business, merging and acquiring, developing a new market niche, narrowing or expanding the product line, choosing suppliers and partners – all these and many other decisions are made within the marketing strategy. Marketing itself is defined as the management of development, production and sale of goods and services demanded by society carries a systematic approach to solving problems of obtaining the maximum effect from sales with minimal and commercial risks. It is also stated that one of the most common methods is matrix analysis of the business portfolio. In order to assess the the company’s competitiveness, the author used the McKinsey matrix. The matrix built by the consulting firm for General Electric is considered in part. The characteristic and marketing alternatives of strategic zones on the given matrix are given. Formation peculiarities of competitive positions at researched enterprises in the kitchen market with the help of marketing strategies are revealed. As a result of the scientific researches problem’s analysis the author has come to a conclusion that both investigated firms-competitors are in a zone of selective development. While choosing a marketing strategy, it is necessary to focus on the main features of the marketing strategy, such as: long-term orientation; based on the results of strategic marketing analysis; a certain subordination in the hierarchy of enterprise strategies; the market orientation of activity (in relation to consumers and competitors) is defined, and also on need of the further scientific researches of a problem.


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How to Cite
MosiichukI., & KashchukK. (2021). The research results of the competitive capacity of enterprises’ formation through marketing strategies. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 47(1), 15-20.