The use of Wartegg's imaging test in the diagnosis of adaptation disorders

Keywords: maladaptation, stress, abnormal mechanisms, adaptations, post-traumatic personality disorders, test ММРІ.


Psychodiagnostics widely use modern technologies, most questionnaires have electronic versions, which, on the one hand, significantly simplifies the work of a specialist, on the other hand, can complicate the further psychotherapeutic process. The article is devoted to the use of Wartegg's image test in the differential diagnosis adaptation disorders. The article covers the main autobiographical data of Erig Wartegg, the history of the test, the basic concepts of the test, the study of the use of projective methods on the issues of validity and reliability. Differential diagnosis of adaptation disorders is considered as a kind of borderline state due to stress. We focus on the clinical differential diagnosis of adaptation disorders according to ICD-10, DSM-IV, DSM-V, and the latest developed unified clinical protocol of primary, secondary (specialized), and tertiary (highly specialized) medical care. Diagnostic criteria in the article are quite conditional because, for different people, such life events can have completely different meanings. The article presents the main personal genetic characteristics of characterological indicators of one-sidedness or balance of sensorimotor reflexes according to Wartegg in adaptation disorders (due to stress). Moreover, stressful situations in selected patients may not be extraordinary for each described personality, threatening life, physical and mental well-being. The article establishes correlations between personality traits according to the MMPI test and personal characteristics according to the Wartegg image projection test. In our experimental psychological study we used, the MMPI questionnaire (adaptation of Berezin FB) and the projective imaging test of Wartegg.


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How to Cite
ШелестоваО. В. (2021). The use of Wartegg’s imaging test in the diagnosis of adaptation disorders. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 47(1), 82-95.