Keywords: steady progress, environmental safety, transport services, city transport, budget.


The article compares the Ukrainian and German public transport systems, analyzes the general issues of the infrastructure of large cities, which are often similar in different European countries (traffic jams, violations of traffic rules, the coexistence of various types of transport, the demands of the population, eco-safety, the search for compromise solutions between traffic participants, financing, stability, quality of the park). The backbone of the transport system in Germany is the subway - the most popular form of transport, which can be used quickly and without traffic jams to reach not only anywhere in the city, but also far beyond its borders. Bicycles are in demand, which are used even in winter to go to work, go to markets or friends, and travel. With the passage of time, the electric scooter is gaining more and more popularity, which can become an alternative to cars, get rid of traffic jams, reduce air pollution and eliminate parking problems. In addition, problems in Ukraine that require urgent solutions are identified (state and city transport budgets, road surface renewal, compliance with European standards, legal regulation, strategic planning of system development, comfort and culture of transportation, connecting the periphery and the center, parking, exhaust gases, etc.). As a result of the war, when buildings, enterprises, infrastructure facilities and transport routes are destroyed, new challenges have arisen related to the reconstruction of the economy of our state, in particular the transport sector, which should be modernized, diversified and adapted to people's needs.

The interdependence of economic and infrastructure reconstruction has been proven, taking into account the experience of leading European countries and their own realities. The development strategy should be aimed at achieving high economic and social efficiency of domestic transport enterprises and ensuring the environmental safety of the environment.

Author Biographies

T. MOMONT, Zhytomyr Branch Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology

PhD (Econ.), Associate Professor

N. SHAPORENKO, Zhytomyr Branch Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology

Senior Lecturer



O. RYBCHYNSKY, Zhytomyr Branch Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology



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How to Cite
MOMONT, T., SHAPORENKO, N., SHAPORENKO, V., & RYBCHYNSKY, O. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN UKRAINE AND GERMANY. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 49(1-2), 69-76.