The article is devoted to topical issues related to the concepts definition of «intellectual capital» and «intellectual property». Attention is focused on the specific features of the intellectual capital development. Within the framework of the conducted research, it was established that at the previous stages of the society development, the key factors of production were natural and labor resources. Knowledge acquires a dominant role in modern economic conditions thanks to the active development of the innovative economy, information technologies and communications. And intellectual capital has become the main source of production, since its formation and use will bring more additional income compared to material assets. In the process of analyzing literary sources, it was established that the basis of intellectual capital are skills and abilities of employees, knowledge, information and people who have this knowledge and generate information. It was established that the fundamental difference between intellectual capital and intellectual property is that the result of the intellectual activity of a company employee may not belong to him, but may be distributed equally between the company and its employee, and the holder may only be the company. It has been proven that intellectual property is only a part of intellectual capital. And the person himself, his abilities, skills, and experience are part of intellectual capital.
The article presents the stages of production and reproduction of intellectual capital: capital-resource, capital-potential, capital-result. The ratio of human and intellectual capital, their common and distinctive elements are presented in the article. It has been proven that overcoming the negative consequences depends to a large extent on giving special importance to the phenomenon of «intellectual capital» at all levels and the systematic search for solutions regarding its development and the creation of intellectual products and services.
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