Keywords: history, modern challenges, globalization, educational programs, critical thinking


The article examines the specifics of teaching the history of Ukraine in the conditions of modern rapid transformations of our country in particular and the world in general. It analyzes globalization processes in the economy, politics, culture, science and education, which affect the course of events in our country and abroad, outlines the importance of new technologies in education, the advantages and disadvantages of a significant amount of information, which prevents a holistic and unbiased vision of a figure or phenomenon due to an excess of pseudo-materials, clarifies the main challenges for the teacher of the discipline, which consist in constantly updating educational programs and educational materials, increasing one's own level of awareness, taking into account various views on a certain event during the analysis of a collision, maintaining parity during discussions, an individual approach, since students have different experiences, erudition, education, moral and ethical values ​​and beliefs.

The work proves the negative role of emotional factors that interfere with the objective understanding of historical processes and phenomena. Difficulties related to historical contradictions, interpretation of events, access to archives and updating of educational materials are serious challenges for teachers and educational institutions. However, at the same time, they provide an opportunity to develop students' skills of analysis, strategic and critical thinking, which are extremely necessary traits in the modern world.

The need to actualize current problems through the prism of "past - present - future" has been established. The internationalization of the course becomes important, because the conditions of globalization make Ukrainian history part of the general study of the world, and not an isolated subject, which allows students to better understand what factors and events influenced the development of Ukraine in its internal and external context. Teachers should provide students with up-to-date knowledge of world history to help them thoroughly analyze historical processes and draw valid and reasoned conclusions.

Author Biography

Y. DIMITROV, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite
DIMITROV, Y. (2024). SPECIFICATIONS OF TEACHING THE HISTORY OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 50(1), 10-16. https://doi.org/10.37203/kibit.2024.50.01