Keywords: emotional intelligence of personality, psychological diagnostics, psychological rehabilitation, rehabilitation resource, psychological resource of personality.


The article explores the problems of diagnosing the emotional intelligence of the individual as a rehabilitation resource of the individual. The semantics of the concept of "emotional intelligence," "rehabilitation resource" are considered, theoretical aspects of the connection between these concepts are developed. The problems of diagnostics of these psychological phenomena are outlined. The prerequisites for an empirical study of emotional intelligence as a rehabilitation resource are investigated, the dominants of this diagnosis are developed.

The issue of EI diagnosis in general and as a rehabilitation resource requires further study, development of the latest and already adapted Ukrainian-language variants of methods for determining the level of EI. According to the researchers, some of the existing methods used in Ukraine until 2022 have a number of shortcomings regarding the validity and ethicality of their use: Lucin's method - an aspect of ethics, Hall's method - obsolescence and questionable validity. The newest methods are undergoing the approval stage of the Ukrainian-language version. During the diagnosis of EI, it is important to take into account the appropriateness of the diagnostic toolkit to age and other personal characteristics, the validity, reliability, and discrimination of the methods. For the diagnosis of EI, it is advisable to offer the following methods: EI - MSCEIT (The Mayer–Salovey–Caruzo Emotional Intelligence Test), Bar-On's EQ-i emotional intelligence test, Petrides and Farnham's TEIQue emotional intelligence test. However, the last two tests require approval in the Ukrainian-speaking sample and official adaptation in the Ukrainian language. For the diagnosis of EI as a rehabilitation resource of the individual, it is appropriate to resort to combining the specified methods with the methods of researching psychological resources: the test-questionnaire for the diagnosis of existential resources of the individual by O. Ryazantseva and I. Brynza, the method of determining (in)tolerance to uncertainty by S. Badler, the method by Sh. Schwartz PVQ "Portrait of Values" (adapted by I. Semkiv), questionnaire of psychological resourcefulness (OPRO) by O. Shtepa. As for the above-discussed EI dominants, they are theoretically related to personality resources in terms of content and functions, but an experimental verification of the degree, level, and strength of this connection is required.

Author Biography

A. SHAFOROST, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology

Lecture, Graduate Student


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How to Cite
SHAFOROST, A. (2024). SPECIFICITY AND DOMINANTS OF THE DIAGNOSIS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AS A REHABILITATION RESOURCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 50(1), 88-108. https://doi.org/10.37203/kibit.2024.50.08