The article examines the development of modern tools of the labor market as a modern trend of digitization in the field of labor relations. This fact has changed the goal of society, which now consists not in the accumulation of material goods, but is more focusing on intangible values and interests, on changing the nature and type of professional activity, and modernizing labor relations. In the digital society, new professions and the skills possessed by job applicants are becoming more in demand. The state and directions of development of the labor market are changing rapidly. The war is the main cause of the negative impact, because due to it, Ukraine lost a significant part of its human capital - more than a third of the population was moving to other countries. The business was forcing to reduce the number of employees, and to reduce the wages of the remaining workers. It became clear that Ukraine is faced with many problems and challenges, including the restoration of destroyed infrastructure, economy, and social assistance to people now. All this will require great efforts and resources, including human resources. Today, the issue of people's return is becoming acute, but this is possible only under the condition of safety and the availability of jobs. Digitization can solve the issue of providing jobs for the country's population. With a systemic state approach, digital technologies will significantly stimulate the development of open information society, increasing productivity, economic growth, as well as improving the quality of life of Ukrainian citizens. Since digitization is a recognized mechanism of economic development, the path to a digital economy will be through the domestic market for the production, use and consumption of information, communication and digital technologies.
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