The article highlights the peculiarities of the development of the value sphere of the teacher's personality in crisis conditions, in particular in wartime conditions.
Modern changes in the system of social relations actively affect education, requiring mobility and an adequate response to challenges. In conditions of war, one of the most vulnerable sectors has become education, which did not have time to stabilize after the test of a global pandemic. Educators, forced to adapt to restrictions and threats, are faced with the task of guaranteeing the safety, reliability and accessibility of education in the most difficult conditions. Human security in a broad sense is a state of complete physical, social and spiritual well-being, determined by internal (psychological) and external factors. Now, human psychological safety is becoming central to mental health, well-being and recovery of the individual.
The values that guide us in life are very important. During the most difficult trials, they do not disappear and do not change significantly. The values that a person has experienced and felt remain with him throughout his life. The phenomenon of human values is that under certain conditions, especially such as war, the most relevant values (guidelines) come into our field of vision.
Thus, the value sphere of a teacher's personality in wartime conditions acquires a global revaluation of existing values, which is due to the crisis of today's realities. Value transformations are inherent in a person in crisis periods of life, often serve as an impetus for the implementation of long-term goals and the implementation of long-unrealized plans. Important values for a modern teacher are patriotism, dignity, responsibility, flexibility, etc. Such a choice of values indicates the predominance of the socio-political group of values in the psychological structure of the personality of a modern teacher.
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