The article examines the key aspects of forming the scientific profile of countries and the drivers of leadership competency development in the context of European integration, globalization, and digital transformation. The authors analyze the adaptation of the ERA (European Research Area), EHEA (European Higher Education Area), and EU 2030 strategy competency frameworks to the conditions of Poland and Ukraine. Factors contributing to the gap in scientific competencies between countries are analyzed, including infrastructural inequality, differences in research funding, education standards, and access to global knowledge. The concept of the «science gradient» is introduced, reflecting the uneven development of scientific knowledge and technologies across countries. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop leadership competencies such as strategic thinking, innovation, change management, international collaboration, and efficient resource utilization, which are critical for successful integration into the European and global scientific landscape. Recommendations are proposed for harmonizing standards and bridging competency gaps to enhance the competitiveness of Poland and Ukraine in science, education, and innovation. As a result of processing the research material, the authors determined that the concept of the gradient of the country's science and the gap of competences emphasize deep differences in the scientific profile of different countries and affect the international scientific hierarchy. A country's profile in the science gradient is determined on the basis of such factors as the level of education, the infrastructure of scientific research institutions, the number of publications in international scientific journals, participation in international research and patent activity. This reflects both the level of scientific development and the country's contribution to world science. Thus, the «gradient of a country's science» is a multifactorial characteristic that reflects its place in the world scientific system and depends on the level of competence of its scientific personnel. The authors note that the formation of the scientific profile of countries and the development of leadership competencies are key conditions for integration into the global scientific space, especially in the context of digital transformation, European standards and strategies (ERA, EHEA, EU 2030 strategy).
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