The article examines the features of professional orientation in the context of global changes. The relevance of professional orientation in the context of global changes is clarified; methods of professional orientation in the context of global changes. The features of professional information, professional diagnostics, professional consultation, reorientation in the context of global changes are determined; qualities, skills and competencies that are already becoming relevant today and will be so in the future; the impact of new technologies on the labor market; professional areas and professions for which demand will decrease in the coming years, and for which - increase; priority areas and professions for the restoration of Ukraine. The relevance of modern trends in professional orientation in the context of global changes is proven, as well as the importance of the specified aspects that will become leading in the labor market in the near future.
In modern professional diagnostics, it is advisable to focus on the study of the holistic structure of the personality. Today, methods for diagnosing personality traits related to the success of professional activities are gaining special importance. Modern professional counseling as a type of career guidance work is aimed at the issues of professional self-determination, professional formation, and personal development in the chosen profession.
Summarizing the above, we emphasize the importance of modern comprehensive professional orientation. We also note that a professional orientation specialist is an urgent modern necessity, because the issues of conscious professional self-determination, professional self-realization and self-affirmation, the development of professional abilities and competencies, professional career planning, and the competitiveness of an individual in the labor market in the face of global changes are relevant aspects of today in our country.
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