Keywords: worldview, success, social motivation, cultural structure, society of impressions


The article examines the problem of reproduction and preservation in the conditions of the «society of impressions» of the phenomenon of success as a worldview setting. The socio-philosophical content, cultural origins, main stages of formation and social significance of the concept of success in the space of European culture are identified and described. It is revealed how changes in religiosity influenced the content of the concept of «success» in the process of historical changes in society in different historical eras. The authors state that the methodology of studying the phenomenon of success emphasized the aspects of the individual's production and, subsequently, consumer potential in the processes of social interaction. The postmodern paradigm worked to deconstruct this methodology, but did not create its own positive heuristic program. According to the authors, in the conditions of informatization and the development of the platform economy, the importance of the subject's ability to create a controlled impression increases. Based on the analysis of the specifics of the society of impressions, it was concluded that the image in its conditions is a necessary factor for success. It was revealed that in the conditions of the «society of impressions» agents of social interaction rely on their own «logic of impressions». It was concluded that the role of the sensory-image component of thinking in the processes of social interaction under these latest historical conditions is qualitatively changing. The modern environment is not described on the basis of the classical and post-classical methodology of social cognition, which was developed in the conditions of the formation of the era of industrial capitalism. It was concluded that in the conditions of the «society of impressions», the ability to create an «impression» is a resource for the realization of the personality and its success. The author's theoretical hypothesis regarding effective image formation strategies for success is proposed: traditional, modern and communicative.

Author Biographies

O. YAKOVLEVA, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology

DSc (Philos.), Professor,

Rector of KIBiT

V. SCHERBYNA, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology

DSc (Sociol.), Professor


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How to Cite
YAKOVLEVA, O., & SCHERBYNA, V. (2024). THE ART OF SUCCESS IN THE «SOCIETY OF IMPRESSIONS». Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 51(2), 181-200.