Keywords: blended learning, LMS, learning management system, Moodle, Google Classroom.


The essence of the concept of "blended learning", its main features, varieties, stages of implementation and models of realization are considered in the article.

The analysis of modern researches of the problem of the use of blended learning in education, the identification on the basis of its results of the most optimal forms and models of use of "blended learning" is carried out. The expediency of using the classification of American researcher MB Horn, which identifies six models of blended learning, is indicated.

Face-to-Face Driver. The educator personally teaches the bulk of the instructional material to the audience. An online course is added to the course as required, which is additional and traditional.

"Rotation Model" ("rotational model"). There is a rotation of classroom and independent work of students online.

Flexmodel. The course is mostly online. The teacher coordinates the activities of students through the network. Live contacts are made as needed.

OnlineLab. The course is taught online, however, not at home alone, but in an equipped classroom under the guidance of a teacher.

Self-BlendModel. Students choose courses to study online.

The experience of blended learning in higher education is presented.

The purpose and comparative capabilities of the common LMS (Learning Management Systems) - Moodle and Google Classroom - are analyzed. Based on the analysis of scientific sources and modern pedagogical practice, it was concluded that blended learning should be used in higher education institutions.


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How to Cite
MITSENKOD. (2019). «BLENDED LEARNING» - THE ESSENCE AND FEATURES OF IMPLEMENTATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 42(3), 33-38. https://doi.org/10.37203/kibit.2019.42.05