Keywords: the future family image, emotional intelligence, conflict, conflict resolution strategies.


The article is devoted to the study of psychological readiness for family life. The current statistical data shows disturbing signs of corruption of the family institution: increasing rates of divorces, destructive conflicts, formal relationships, declining birth rates and etc. The creation of a successfully functioning family requires intense preliminary preparation which should include studying and taking into account the system of factors that determine psychological readiness for family life. The objectives of the research: the study of factors of psychological readiness for family life in early adulthood; identification of most significant factors of family life readiness in early adulthood; empirical identification of criteria of high psychological readiness for family life. The obtained during the study data witness that the majority of participants demonstrate moderate or high levels of psychological readiness for family life. Were identified gender differences in rates of psychological readiness for family life: female participants showed overall higher rates of readiness for starting a family life compared to male participants. In the result of the study were proved following assumptions: existence of statistically significant linear correlation between psychological readiness for family life and emotional intelligence; existence of statistically significant linear correlation between psychological readiness for family life and tendency to use strategies of compromise, collaboration, and accommodation in situations of conflict; existence of statistically significant inverse linear correlation between psychological readiness for family life and readiness to use competing strategy in conflicts resolving. Were empirically proven that significant factors of psychological readiness for family life are emotional intelligence, conflict resolution strategies, and image of the future family. The criteria of developed psychological readiness for family life are the following: a high level of emotional intelligence, the prevalence of compromising and collaborating strategies in conflict resolution and positive image of the future family.


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How to Cite
ZhuravlovaL., & HaletskyiO. (2020). THE FACTORS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS FOR FAMILY LIFE IN EARLY ADULTHOOD. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 43(1), 20-25.