Keywords: cognitive features of foreign language perception, interactive and direct models of acquiring a foreign language, factors of information perception in a foreign language, psychological obstacles of foreign language acquisition, means of foreign language learning, perception of foreign language video and print material.


The article is dedicated to studying the issues of foreign language teaching technologies improvement in light of current reasonable world processes, the growth of the demand, including among older adults. The results of studying the psychological features and factors of foreign language video and periodicals perception by adults while learning a foreign language are presented. Objective (related to age, time, language, psychophysiological changes and learning experiences) and subjective (cognitive, affective, motivational and personal) psychological difficulties encountered when mastering a foreign language in adulthood are presented. Psychological barriers to the perception of information in a foreign language and the basic factors of a successful acquisition of foreign languages in older age are identified. Reserves for increasing the efficiency of language acquisition by adults are outlined and ways to overcome psychological barriers to learning a foreign language are outlined. Demonstrated that modern curriculum and quality of adults' education are determined by the need to bring in line the educational system with the personal development, which is revealed by providing a suitable environment for learning foreign languages. The specifics of interactive (video series, publication in periodicals) and direct (traditional training) models concerning foreign language acquisition in this age period are analyzed. Features of complications and improvement of the adult perception of original video and printed materials during the study of a foreign language are systematized based on the characteristics of the offered materials. The results of studying the psychological capabilities of an integrated model of foreign language teaching with the use of foreign language videos and periodicals are presented. The basic factors of successful perception of information in a foreign language are determined: physiological and psychological characteristics of an individual, age peculiarities, pedagogical techniques and immersion methods. It is established that the ease of perception and acquisition of the material in a foreign language, due to its psychological "absorption", the impact of verbal and non-verbal means allows forming an environment identical to the country the language of which is being studied. The interactive model of foreign language teaching (video series, publication in periodicals) focuses on the visual features and functions of the language. It allows the increase in the speed of mastering the foreign language vocabulary, avoiding such psychological obstacles as fatigue and low interest, motivation stimulation and creating a stable learning motivation system through the formation of personal values. Optimal ways for improving the use of video and print materials (targeted for native speakers) for mastering a foreign language by adults are developed.


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