Finding the optimal location of regional landfills using the center of gravity method: Sumy region example

Keywords: regional waste management plan; waste management cluster; location of landfills; solid household waste.


The problem of planning the optimal design of waste management infrastructure at the regional level is relevant and essential in implementing the National Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine until 2030 and the achievement of its goals. The study aims to improve the methodological basis for the substantiation of management decisions on waste management infrastructure design and determine the optimal location of landfills in the Sumy region. The territory was divided into three clusters for waste management, taking into account the number and geographical location of communities in Sumy region: North, East, South-West. Based on population data and geographical coordinates of settlements with more than 50 people (998 settlements) using the center of gravity method, the optimal locations of regional landfills for each selected cluster were determined. It is found that a simplified calculation (by the two-dimensional coordinate system - latitude and longitude) can be used to solve the problem of placing the landfill by the method of the center of gravity to obtain accurate and reliable results. The study results can be used in the elaboration of the Regional Waste Management Plan for Sumy region to minimize tariffs for waste management for the population. The tested approach can serve as a methodological basis for planning waste management infrastructure in other regions.


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How to Cite
KoblianskaI. (2020). Finding the optimal location of regional landfills using the center of gravity method: Sumy region example. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 44(2), 11-22.