Keywords: life perspective, deformation of the life perspective, future orientation, negative past, delayed life


Peculiarities of a person's perception of the past and present affect the construction of plans for the future, and attitudes toward the future affect behavior in the present. Therefore, the mechanism of a person's perception and prediction of his future, the ability to influence it by taking into account possible complications and obstacles on the way to achieving the expected, assessing one's own capabilities and comparing the expected with the current conditions of life, is important. This is the process of a person's awareness of his prospects and meaningful attitude to his own time of life. However, quite a large number of people continue to live as if they still have enough time ahead of them to implement their plans, and now they live purely at the everyday level, postponing decisions regarding global changes in life. Such a phenomenon called the "phenomenon of delayed life".

No scientific studies devoted to the problems of life prospects considered the phenomenon of delayed life as a possible form of deformation of life prospects. This was the focus of our research. Our goal was to investigate the dependence of the formation of the delayed life phenomenon on the negative past of the individual. For this purpose, we developed a theoretical model of the delayed life phenomenon, based on which we prepared a semi-standardized interview. The purpose of the interview was to reveal a specific combination of experiences, states and feelings inherent in the delayed life phenomenon.

Fifty people aged between 20 and 50 took part in the study. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that the phenomenon of delayed life, as a deformation of the life perspective, can arise under the influence of the negative past of the individual.

Author Biographies

Y. LANOVENKO, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology

PhD (Phychol.), Associate Professor

L. KATSALAP, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology



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How to Cite
LANOVENKO, Y., & KATSALAP, L. (2024). STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE NEGATIVE PAST ON A MAN’S DEPOSIT OF HIS LIFE. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 50(1), 17-33.