The war in Ukraine has led to significant changes that have affected the life orientations of individuals and the country as a whole. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, a person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value.
The state of society is largely determined by the state of government institutions and the characteristics of people who exercise power. Since ancient times, one of the tools of executive power and management of society has been punishment.
The idea of punishment has always attracted genuine interest from philosophers, jurists, psychologists, sociologists, and scholars from many other disciplines. This attention is entirely justified, as the issue of punishment concerns the most important life benefits of citizens and the key interests of social life.
Punishment cannot be comprehensively studied solely by legal science, as it is a complex social phenomenon. Before discussing the types of punishment, to whom and how it should be applied, a more general question must be addressed: should punishment exist as a phenomenon at all? It is also necessary to understand on what basis society disposes of the most precious earthly benefits of a person: life, health, freedom, honor, and dignity.
In this article, we examine «punishment» through the lens of the historical analysis, which is an important component of any research. To study psychology, one must have knowledge of its development and formation. We apply the same principle in studying issues of criminal punishment. Historical analysis allows us to understand the origins and evolution of theories of criminal punishment, which enables a better understanding of their modern application and significance in the penal system.
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