Keywords: family, parenting styles, system of value orientations, child-parent relationships, parental attitudes, personality development


The family is of great importance for the personal development of the child and the nature of his interaction with the world around him. Family experience is consolidated and forms certain models of behavior with other people, which are transmitted from generation to generation. In modern psychology, it is recognized that the experience of child-parent relationships becomes for the child who has grown up, a model for building relationships with his own little one in the newly created family and acts as a significant factor in the formation of parental attitudes. It is reasonable to assume that the experience of child-parent relationships available to a child who has grown up will have a diverse impact on his or her parental position, may lead to a direct reproduction of the parental model of behavior, and a position that compensates for those components of parental relationships that one of the parents experienced as a child (care, love, gentleness, cooperation), may serve as the basis of a parental model of behavior «from the opposite» as the antithesis of the norm of the attitudes of his or her parents rejected by the former child. Hence, the role of the father for the child becomes as significant as the role of the mother.

The father's influence on the formation of the child's family attitudes is undeniable. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the peculiarities of communication with the child in order to establish an emotionally trusting relationship, namely: take a more active part in the family's life, find time for conversations and entertainment with the child, help the child develop skills and talents, give the child the opportunity to feel its importance in family affairs, be attentive to the child's inner world, create a positive emotional climate in the family, and demonstrate by their own example the implementation of family roles adequate to a certain situation, which consists in the father's observance of family traditions.

Author Biography

V. KHARCHENKO, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology

PhD (Psyc.), Associate Professor


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How to Cite
KHARCHENKO, V. (2024). THE FATHER’S ROLE IN THE FORMATION OF THE CHILD’S FAMILY VALUES. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 51(2), 156-172.