Keywords: traumatic events, stress, cognitive and emotional disorders, child's brain, help, methods


Today, stress and traumatic events are an integral part of children's lives in Ukraine. They are caused by various factors, primarily war (air raids, shelling, explosions), a significant number of family conflicts and various social troubles. Research shows that stress greatly affects brain development in children, causing cognitive and emotional disorders. It is appropriate to isolate the long-term consequences of stress in childhood for mental health. Research shows that children who experience significant stress are at increased risk of developing mental health disorders in adulthood, including depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can develop in children after experiencing traumatic events, characterized by repeated memories of the trauma, nightmares, increased anxiety and avoidance of situations that remind of the trauma. Thanks to modern research methods – neuroimaging and psychometric tests – it is possible to better understand the mechanisms of stress and develop effective intervention strategies.

The role of social and environmental factors - family environment, socio-economic status and school environment - is a priority in the formation of stress resistance and general mental well-being of children. Current research should be focused on a more detailed analysis of the mechanisms through which stress affects various aspects of brain development in children, should include genetic and epigenetic factors capable of modulating the response to stress, the effectiveness and role of various types of interventions (psychotherapeutic methods, educational and family programs support) in the prevention and treatment of its negative consequences. Awareness, early diagnosis and an individualized approach to treatment significantly reduce the negative impact of stress on children's brains and contribute to the healthy development of children.

Author Biographies

L. SHKREBTIIENKO, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology

PhD (Pedag.)

T. ROZOVA, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

PhD (Phychol.)


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How to Cite
SHKREBTIIENKO, L., & ROZOVA, T. (2024). THE EFFECT OF STRESS AND TRAUMATIC EVENTS ON THE CHILDREN’S BRAIN. Herald of Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology, 51(2), 173-180.